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Besides looking out of the window, I also amused myself by chatting with the neighbour downstairs. He was an interesting guy, and we ran into each other now and then. Each time we talked a bit more, and I must admit that I looked forward to the scarce moments of intimacy in the lift, where we exchanged a few words

One morning, like many others, I got out of bed, drank a glass of fruit juice and went out with the idea of going to the nearest market for some quick shopping. To my surprise, I was face to face with the dress of big silvery polka dots that I had often seen hanging from the window across the way. The woman draped inside that dress, very beautiful and delicate-looking, with thick black hair, was wearing dark glasses. Before I could react, I saw how a middle-aged, sturdy and unfriendly looking man took her by the arm and led her away.

That night, full of nightmares (I dreamt that somebody wrote a letter to his younger brother telling him: "Although I am more than 60 years of age, I am still a child, I still weep when I laugh and laugh when I weep"), I heard heartbreaking cries and strong blows, which seemed to come from the window across the courtyard. When I Iooked out I saw nothing except the clothes hung by the window.

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