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And to whom was the message addressed? Yes, you guessed correctly; to my neighbour downstairs. Night after night I could not resist the temptation to look out of my window and decode the message sent from the window across the way. One day it said: «Me too», the next day: «Not tomorrow», a day later: «Tomorrow yes», etc...

I avoided running into my neighbour. Fortunately, my work kept me away from my gloomy thoughts, and little by little "Allegory of Spring" began to take shape.

We had had several days of intense heat. At night thermometers would not go down below 32º and would surpass 40º during the day. One of those nights, after 2 AM, I woke up suffocated by the heat, I looked out of the window, and as usual I unconsciously turned my gaze to the window across from mine, where I saw light and heard noises and voices coming from there.

Hanging from the window I saw three pairs of knickers, three pairs of long trousers and three socks. Which means: SOS.

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